
History of Tierralta

territory. The natives, after being stripped of their wealth for the rape and pillage all their values, are killed, and those who managed to survive the attack of weapons, were killed by various diseases, such as smallpox, measles, typhoid and influenza, among others, as their bodies did not have any defense.

From 1,840 settlers made their entrance to the highlands of the Sinu River in search of rootlets, rubber, leather, gold and timber. By 1881, foreign companies (French, Belgian and American) entered the area to develop logging Sinu River.

Starting the twentieth century, settlers and traders are set on the border of the flat areas of the valley and the winding foothills of the Serrania de San Jerónimo. From the donation of 4 acres of land by Mr. Enrique Martinez Zurita in the "Puerto del Higo", on 25 November 1909, Santiago Canabal decides to lay out the first streets and start building homes in the village, giving rise to the town of Tierralta, which recognizes Canabal Santiago as its founder.

The port on the Sinu River Tierralta becomes since the mandatory step in the economic activities of the vast mountainous region and the most important high Sinu river port
