
Economy of San Jose de Isnos

nd 10 loads / ha for traditional coffee. In 2007 production of 25,000 bags (1,562.5 tons), was achieved in the market the average price per 65 kg load for 2007 was $ 460,000, and 1, 16 dollar per pound. Beans: this product has had a similar performance in recent years, with a reduction in the area planted in 2007 were cultured and harvested 60 acres of beans, including tech and traditional yielding a total production of 80 tonnes. Banana, cassava: At present there are 39 hectares planted with banana cultivation tends to increase with business sense, also grown inter cropped with other crops such as coffee, in this case most of the product is for family meals and low scope for marketing. Cassava is grown mainly to meet the domestic needs. These products represent 0.95% to 2.007 Fruit:

The area planted in fruit is distributed as follows: in blackberry crops 150 ha, lulo 50 I have and granadilla 60 ha, and 20 ha of tree tomato, technically advanced, allowing good yields per hectare as follows: mora 9 tons / ha; lulo 9.2 t / ha and passion 10.5 t / ha. The expansion in the cultivation of pay is due to the implementation of a project financed by ARD Colombia, which has a goal of planting 100 ha, with technical assistance and business support. The tomato crop and tree has decreased due to the completion of the production cycle of crops planted by the project supported by the ICC. Fruit representing 10.64% in production for 2007.

Livestock Sector: Livestock production has been
