
History of Guarne

lar, is the main source of work and community life. His golden bordure goes into the field to mark the barracks blazon gird the boundaries of sovereignty of the glorious tradition of Guarne whose name is displayed on the shield dominant. They serve two lions supporting mornados symbol watchful protection of civil rights whose support lies in the strength of the public, that as needs no physical pressure of the authority to practice the legal cohabitation, it heraldically genuinely represented in mornados lions without aggressive expression of claws and teeth. In ínfera tape shield attached to brackets at gules currency runs, faithful interpreter of the believing soul, laborious and shaper of the future, the people guarneño: Faith, Work and Progress.


Symbolism of colors. It is very abundant in heraldry. Go examples. Red, also called gules, symbolizes: a flower, the carnation. One day a week, Tuesday. A gemstone, ruby. A planet, Mars. It means strength, magnanimity,
