
Economy of El Tambo

generated in marginalized and remote areas that do not have an efficient transport infrastructure and pathways, so that affect regular supply of local and regional markets.

The Economics of cultic PERMANTES and semi Undoubtedly nationally, coffee has been the engine of growth of the Colombian economy since the beginning of the century, so that historically became the most important source of savings in the country to finance industrial development in Colombia. This leaves such that the level of economic activity generated by the activity has allowed coffee reinvest surpluses and trade processing activities that generate greater added value and boost employment permit.

Forestry forest economy in the municipality of El Tambo is developed by Smurfit Carton de Colombia, which operates its own land and low system "participation accounts. Certainly in terms of area utilization, along with coffee, forestry is an important economic sector in the municipality of El Tambo, especially if one considers that of the 12,362 acres owned by Smurfit Carton de Colombia in Department of Cauca 35.4% are located in this county, becoming the first commercially usable area department.
