
History of Cucaita

ce and the Agrarian Fund came in 1967, Monsignor Francis Boes, ordered the construction of the church, Father Ramon Reinoso 1957, begins to mass on it every fortnight. January 27, 1959, the parish of San Luis de Cubarral and its first parish priest Father Martin Pieters, monfortina community of states.

In 1960, on November 28 departmental assembly elected in San Luis de Cubarral municipality in the same ordinance police inspecting Santa rosa is created, in the municipality, and its first inspector Don Mario Alonso Soto, the first mayor was Dr. Patiño Bernal, Bogota lawyer, who delegated his responsibility as mayor Don Gustavo Romero manager, Rafael Andrés García, treasurer, Manuel Bermúdez personero (source: Parish Cubarral and old people).

From 1920 to date Cubarral development has revolved around the exploitation of natural resources and agriculture. In the social aspect, the inappropriate use of production techniques and conflict has been a constant.

In the beginning the town was characterized by farms into smaller units, ie, in smallholding, its production was within the forms of peasant economy, has as natural resources are depleted advancing agricultural frontier, cattle ranching expands the economic relationship on land ownership changes, making this a luxury item, due to high costs despite the deterioration of it. These lands are striking by absentee investors who are in it for more than a production site, a place for rest, recreation, and social capital accumulation and political power.

As in most of the department's municipalities,