
History of Arcabuco

barley , pea , bean , wheat and potato . Also breeding cattle (landrace) dual purpose and logging, especially oak, which is used for multiple purposes and to be sent to the cities of Tunja and Bogota . The products were transported by mule bridle paths.

In the decade of the 40s, with the advent of agrochemicals, the potato became the basis of the town's economy.

Arcabuco was no stranger to Violence bipartisan 48. While it is true that in its territory the phenomenon manifested as sharply as in other regions of the country, due to tradition conservative municipality itself persecution was presented liberals, who saw the need to abandon their lands, the fact was used by some to possess these properties. The power came about in 1950. The service email in the first half of the century was very poor, a letter could take over a month to reach its recipient. The standard was that women marry at age 19 and men at 22. Cohabitation was not accepted. Usually every marriage had 8 to 15 children. The houses were built of adobe or wattle and daub, thatched roof and dirt floor. Regarding education, the community was responsible for hiring a teacher to teach children to read and write and bring a place like school. Schools began to be built in the 70s and 80s. The road to Tunja Moniquirá construction began in 1911
