
Travel to Pogradec

From Macedonia, you can enter via Qafë Thanë or Tushemisht border crossings.

There is no railway service to and from Pogradec since 2012. The train service from and to Durres now stops in Librazhd. You will have to find additional transport from Librazhd to Pogradec. If you want to take the train, it leaves Durres once a day at 7.15, arrival time in Librazhd at 11.01. Return trips to Durres depart from Librazhd at 11.55 (arrival 15.42). Carriages are quite OK now (2011) except that all windows were broken like they were hit by bullets, so select a window where the view is best.

A faster option is to take a bus or minibus (furgon) from Tirana: the departure points of these change regularly so check with the hotel or hostel. These take 3 to 4 hours but the roads in the East are largely good. Buses cost 500 Leke, while minibuses are 600 Leke.

It is possible to cross the border from and to the Republic of Macedonia by foot or by car to the south of Lake Ohrid, but major coaches to Ohrid town take the northern route from Tirana. There is a bus service from Ohrid on the southern route that runs, after a stop at Sveti Naum, to and from the border for 110 Macedonian denars. Although taxi's ask 5€, a good price (2012) from the border to Pogradec for two persons is 200 Leke