
Travel to Ocean City

e to the ocean and/or to 9th Street, the more expensive it is. Depending on where you park on the island, it can be as cheap as 50 cents or as expensive as 15 dollars. If you don't mind a small walk, you can find cheap parking at the OC bus station, which is close to the 9th Street bridge and next to the McDonalds. As of Sept 2007, it's 25 cents for 2 hours.

There are some spots around the city, for example on Wesley on the South side of 9th street, where there is free all day or night parking. This is usually used by year round residents to park, but if you get lucky you may find a spot only a few blocks from the boardwalk. Be careful though, many of these areas have time restrictions, such as a 2 hour limit between 9AM and 6PM. In front of the post office its 15 minutes, and they really do enforce that!