
History of Bozeman

itionally, Bozeman is a gateway community through which visitors pass on the way to Yellowstone National Park and its abundant wildlife and thermal features. The showcasing of spectacular scenery and the western way of life the area received from films set nearby, such as A River Runs Through It and The Horse Whisperer, have also served to draw people to the area.

Twenty-first century

Bozeman has experienced a healthy pace of growth. Over the past 40 years, it has grown from the 6th to the 4th largest city in the state. The area continually attracts new residents due to quality of life factors, scenery, and nearby recreation. In August 2010, Bozeman was selected by Outside as the best place to live in the west for skiing.

Growth in the Gallatin Valley prompted the Gallatin Airport Authority to authorize a major expansion of the Gallatin Field Airport with two new gates, an expanded passenger screening area and a third baggage carousel. Gallatin Field was renamed Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport