
Economy of Zarzis

Economic activity of Zarzis is mainly based on Tourism, the fishing and agriculture. In the industry, it is industry food, which dominates with 55 companies of 89.

The olive occupies a special place in Zarzis {{citation needed | where there are 1,228,700 feet occupying a area {{of formatnum: 61335} hectares of which 85%} are in full production|date=July 2012}}. Production of the campaign 1999 - 2000Template:Formatnum reached: 59,500 tons Olive s, equivalent to 11,900 tons of olive oil. This production is processed through the 57 mills Guimaraes of the delegation and provides more formatnum Template:5000 direct jobs. In 2011, the city is the scene of stowaway to Europe. The local economy is diverse�agriculture, mainly olives, oil and tourism