
Climate in Mokpo

is highlighted by a short spring and autumn. It is cold and dry in the winter and warm and humid, with seasonal winds, in the summer. There is much rain in the summer, with an average of 1163mm. It is usually quite windy and foggy in the spring and autumn owing to its locality near the ocean. Mokpo's long period (223 days) without frost creates suitable conditions for rice farming. However, its seacoast location and the influence of the continental climate on the city often causes a great disparity between the rise and fall of daily and yearly temperatures. Another feature of local weather is highest level of sunlight in Korea with Sinan county, which means a great deal of probability to hold sunlight energy plants and related industries. In terms of yellow dust, the number of occurrence is quite similar to those of other cities like Seoul and Incheon; 10–11 days per year but the figure of fine dust is relatively low.

Depending on the seasonal change, it takes different phases of weather condition, which indicates unpredictable situations sometimes happen. Especially, unexpected blizzards sweep the region with huge gust during winter. The statistical climate data says average snowy days reach more than a month and 60 days below zero Celsius. For tropical cyclone, Mokpo gains damages within the passing range of typhoons and its peripheral impacts involving heavy precipitation during summer and mostly
