
Culture of Zuzemberk

are held in the castle courtyard, which since 1997 have been successfully organized by the Tourist Association. A municipal holiday is held on the 15th July.

The Church of Saont Nicholas in Žužemberk is the oldest surviving church in the area. The church was first built in the Gothic style in the 13th century. Its famous frescoes with one of the most notable ones depicting Adam and Eve date from the 14th century. The Church of Saint Agnes dates a little later in the 13th century and the church of Saints Hermagoras and Fortunatus, which was completed in 1769. The latter was burnt down during World War II, and only renovated in the late 20th century after Slovenia became independent. The tract of a Roman road along the slopes of hills in Acerva (Ivančna Gorica) was in use until 1859 when it was replaced with another road through the Krka river valley. There are also several tombs and a monument to the Liberation War located on the 305 metre high hill called the Tumplac. It was created by sculptor Marjan Tepine, and was erected in 1961.

The municipality also has a very dynamic cultural life, with many singing groups and choirs, and a number of cultural associations. Volleyball
