
History of Niquinohomo

come from this valley.

There is evidence that in 1751 there were 6 blocks Niquinohomo with some 330 houses of straw, reed and tile and that the church was being built, as the Bishop Agustín Morel de Santa Cruz, in passing on that date by the place, mentioned that in the square opposite the church is running bulls .

In the nineteenth century

In the mid-nineteenth century, in 1856, an epidemic of cholera Morpheus decimated the population of the municipality. It is known that at that time, and probably earlier, Niquinohomo was under jurisdiction of Granada there is documentary evidence that this was so since 1870, the year in which the municipality is granted the title of Villa de la Victoria (on February 19 in 1870 under the administration of General Fernando Guzman). It is said that the name originated from a battle between liberals and conservatives, where the Conservatives won. It came using the two denominations, the Villa de la Victoria and the Niquinohomo.

In 1884 the village had an area of 126 horses, each horse is equivalent to 65 blocks (some say they are 100), ie about 8190 blocks, reaching the Masaya lagoon to the north. At that time their membership still consists Granada.

Augusto Cesar Sandino.

In the twentieth century

On August 24 of 1962 appointing the municipality City Niquinohomo by Decree 738 appeared in The Gazette on Thursday 6 September that year.

On August 23, 2002 at a special session of the National Assembly of Nicaragua with the participation of Enrique Bolaños , President of Nicaragua, held in the church of Santa Ana in cocasión held the 40th
