
Travel to San Carlos

22 hours. One of the best alternatives is to go to Neuquen on the first day (a distance of about 1200 km) and then to continue the second day driving about 450 kilometers.

There is more than one route to get to Bariloche by car from Buenos Aires:

�    Short route: Take �Ruta Nacional N� 5�, then take �Ruta Provincial N� 1� nearby Lonquimay. Then, take �Ruta Provincial N� 18� nearby �Macachin�. Take �Ruta Nacional N� 35� south for 22 km, and then turn right and follow �Ruta Nacional N� 152� through General Acha and until the �Casa de Piedra� where the route name changes to �ruta provincial N� 6�. You must follow this until the intersection with �Ruta Nacional N� 22�, where you must turn right again through Cipolletti � Neuquen. These big cities are connected by a bridge with an Ar $0.65 toll. Follow through the "million" traffic lights until you exit the city. Approximately 32 km later, stop in Arroyito and sleep deeply. Continue driving South using �Ruta Nacional N� 237�, which will lead you to Bariloche.

�    Long route: take �Ruta Nacional N� 3� South. Rest in Azul for 15 minutes, follow South until Bahia Blanca, rest for some time. Follow South; take �Ruta Nacional N� 22�, set the air conditioner on and turn on your CD player; don�t travel too slowly, or you might fall asleep! Rest in Choele Choel. Drive through lots of tiny cities and through Cipolletti � Neuquen, big cities which are connected by a bridge with an A$R0.65 toll. Follow through the million traffic lights until you exit the city. Approximately 32 km later, stop in Arroyito and sleep deeply. Continue driving South using �Ruta Nacional N� 237�, which will lead you to Bariloche.

 By bus

If you decide to travel by bus you can choose between different companies, such as "Via Bariloche", "El Crucero del Norte", "Andesmar", etc. The first 2 companies offer different services, where the main variable is comfort and price. You