
Travel to Riga


To travel between the airport to the city:

*    Bus 22  runs between the airport and the old town - right near the central bus and railway stations. The bus runs every 10 minutes during rush hour and the journey to the old town takes 40 minutes. Bus tickets can be purchased from the driver for 0.70 LVL or from the Narvesen shop in the airport for 0.50 LVL. Alternatively, you may want to purchase a 24-hour transport pass or a 5 or 10 journey e-ticket

*    Airbaltic Airport Express  minibuses to the city center cost 3 LVL. These run every 30 minutes but only take 20 minutes to get to the old town. This bus also stops at several hotels near the airport, so it may be more convenient than Bus 22.

*    Baltic Taxi  runs taxi service from the airport to the center for a fixed price of 9 LVL if paid to the driver, or 8 LVL if booked online. Service to the old town takes 15 minutes.

*    Riga Limo  is an English language limousine, bus and taxi service that provides affordable airport transfers and other transportation services in Riga and Latvia.

*    Personal Minibus  offers airport transfer for groups. The price of 8 Euros per person (6 person minimum) also includes guide to meet group with greeting sign.

*    Taxis can be expensive if a meter is used and a fixed price is not negotiated. Charges are as follows: 1.50 LVL for embarkation plus 0.50 LVL per kilometre, waiting 6.00 LVL/hour. The ride to the center takes 15 minutes.

By bus

There are international bus connections to anywhere in Europe, including frequent service to Tallinn and Tartuin Estonia, and Vilnius and Kaunas in Lithuania.

*    Ecolines

*    Simple Express

*    Eurolines Lux Express  - Lux express buses cost slightly more