
Travel to Singrauli

city to Singrauli is Varanasi 208 km by road, nearest railway junction is Singrauli junction (the one platform junction between Katni-Chopan line), it is 768 km from Bhopal. The nearest airport is at Varanasi and one at Mayurpur owned by Hindalco. Private transport facilities are also available in this area and it is directly connected with Chattishgarh (Ambikapur), Maharashtra (Nagpur) and UttarPradesh (Varanasi) by road. Singrauli is approximately 50 km from Renukoot which has train connectivity with Jammu Tawi, Amritsar, Delhi, Ranchi , Jamshedpur and Rourkela. Sasan TPP of Reliance Power is located near Singrauli