
Travel to Lahti

trains and they tilt while turning (allows faster speeds).

Stops only at Pasila and Tikkurila before Lahti. 48 minutes travel time. All of the Pendolino trains continue from Lahti.

*Allegro train, travel between Helsinki and St. Petersburg stop in Lahti.

If you travel with children, you should choose Perhelippu (Family ticket). With each adult, one child can ride for free. For example, if you have three children, you will only pay for 2 adults and 1 child.

The train station is less than ten minutes walk from the city center. Cross Mannerheiminkatu and take Rautatienkatu towards north. = Leave the radio hill to your left and railway tracks behind you.

Lahti has a good system of public transport. You can ride from one part of the city to another with a single ticket of 3.20€, kids 1.60€. Kauppatori is the center of Lahti's public transport system, but be aware that many bus lines go in both directions from Kauppatori. You can use interactive route planner to find bus routes