
Climate in San Francisco de Macoris

The average annual rainfall is 1,600 mm with a 1,400 mm evapotranspiration. The highest precipitation months are May and June. The average annual temperature is 27 ° C, with the hottest months of July and August. The climate of this area has two variants, the humid tropical savannah towards the valley and the tropical rain forest in the mountainous part. In addition, a third variant is defined altitude or mountain climate that corresponds to the rainforest.

As a climatic response to an uneven distribution of rainfall with a short dry season, evapotranspiration is a 20% lower than the average annual rainfall.

System of Land Tenure in Duarte Province. Duarte province, according to the national census of 1971, has an area of 1,929.37 km2.

The Duarte province, sits at an altitude ranging from 17 meters to 985 meters above sea level, reaching its maximum height in Quita Espuela Mountain.

The province is defined in two geomorphic regions, to the north slope of the Northern Range which comprises mountainous areas with peat soil as the Yuna Delta and rocky soils and topography accidental. On the southern slope of the Eastern Cibao Valley in the Yuna Sub-Region (East), defined alluvial deposits combined with hollows, like hills areas and platforms, such as alluvial soil to the beds of the streams of Yuna and Camu