
Location of Ali Sabieh

a milder climate than the Djibouti city coastal area, where the weather is typically hot. The city's settlement is partially scattered and irregular. Houses are generally single storey and mostly cement made, but the soil is at home. One can also take in the local wildlife, such as theBlack-backed Jackal,  Dorcas Gazelle,  Felis,  Caracal,  Birds and the Hamadryas baboon.

 Paved roads are available in Ali Sabieh, The vast majority of the roads were paved by the French, during colonial rule. The local government has repaired some of the roads but many others are still awaiting repair. There are also other buses and shared taxis that goes to other cities in Djibouti. The Ethio-Djibouti Railway was built between 1894 and 1915 during the colonial period, the Ethio-Djibouti Railways connected the city with Addis
