
History of Corcovado National Park

rena, digging for and feeding on the abundant Moon Crabs.

The inland track to EstaciĆ³n Los Patos goes through secondary growth for much of the way, but it is still a beautiful walk with a little more variation and it's easier walking with no sand and no sizable river crossings.

Other animals in the park include Central American Squirrel Monkeys, mantled howler monkeys, both two-toed and three-toed sloths, agoutis, giant anteaters, Great Curassows, black hawks, Spectacled Owls, hummingbirds, 220 species of butterflies, golden orb spiders (who build huge webs), otters and raccoons. Four species of sea turtle (green, Pacific Ridley, Hawksbill, and Leatherback) nest on the beaches
