
History of Sutatenza

argue that there Sutatenza as parish since 1619, year in which appears the first recorded game of baptism, which is still preserved.

Turning to the political and administrative point of view; Sutatenza was constituted as a municipality since 1754, a period in which they were appointed the first mayors.

It is now believed that acquired character Sutatenza municipality with the appointment of José Gregorio Escobar on January 28, 1783 by decree, which took up office on 14 May of that year to Mr. Eusebio Gálviz stolen, mayor of Tunja.

Others say Sutatenza character municipality took the October 22, 1783, date that you consider to commemorate their anniversary.

Sutatenza, like other peoples of America who did not know writing in their early days, could not reach the legends of their customs and due to its history. With few written, you can score this was before the conquest.

The village was ruled by a Cacique that paid tribute to Zaque Hunza kingdom it belonged to its territory, a general of the Empire Bacatá called Zaque Zazipa compared even powerful army of 30,000 men threatened the kingdom of Zaques Hunza, invaded Sutatenza Valley, but within days the terror of their arms and the risk of all hostility heard with respect Zaque Zazipa name, the nations of the machetaes, súnubas, tibiritas and yet the riches found and opened his ambition hope he cherished, was a refreshing bath in the glory Garagoa crystal clear river.

The Zaque was called by the Zipa to come to master some uprisings against their government is doing. Zaque departed laden Zazipa beautiful emeralds completely abandoning their attempts against the government of Zaques.

He heard the Zaque Hunza the attempt on his kingdom, appointed as governor of Cacique Tenzuzucá or Tenzucá who happens to fight a series of
