
About San Antero

places that grow 5 different types of mangrove (Avicennia germinans, Conocarpus erecta, racemosa, Pelliciera rhizophorae, Rhizophora mangle), estatuarina this area is the habitat of many species, which also makes it a town rich in flora and fauna.

The Municipality of San Antero was the northern part of the department of Córdoba , along the Caribbean Sea , at the mouth of the Sinu River .

It was founded on January 3 of 1647 (367 years)

Its territory is hilly, ranging from 5 meters to the beach area to 55 m, the average temperature is 33 ° C.

In Bay Cispatá are Arena Blanca beaches and mangrove forests with diverse flora and fauna.

A special feature of San Antero, is to be the only municipality in Colombia with coastal dolphins, finding two species: the Pink Dolphin , the same as is found in the Amazon River and Dolphin Grey. It is also a kind of hicoteas only seen in this county (albino turtles).

San Antero's economy is based on Agriculture , the Livestock and Fish Farming
