
History of Sabana de Torres

José María Torres, as the eldest, was the one who took full responsibility of the inn, and his wife, who by that time had no children, was in charge of the kitchen. There, in those trades, the smaller of the Torres, Juan José, was his immediate collaborator. The other Torres, Jesús María, some collaborate with the inn, it was dedicated to demolish mountains and was founded and a nice big farm on the streams and the Venice Santos Gutierrez. Francisco Luis Valdivieso said was, 1920, a large sign installed near the railway said: "Property of Jesus Maria Torres."

As described by Don Rafael Rojas Bustos, Juan José Torres was a person of short stature (approximately 1.62 m), of dark complexion, straight hair and Indian features that always smoked snuff and wore a Panama hat very short wings. He was shy and very few words. The Torres family possibly disappeared from the region in the early twentieth century . It is possible that when Don Rafael Rojas Bustos met don Juan José, by the year 1925, it was because he was for a short time in this region. In mid-January 1919, a raging fire destroyed about forty huts, thatched or palm and they were locked in wood or adobe, in which hundreds of brave workers facing inclement weather, the pesky mosquitoes were grouped and which had no more than a possibility of fun: the ranches guarapo sold. Once the fire reduced to ashes rancheria that scarcely could see some houses: A, which today is owned by José Vicente Pérez, another in BarroNegro
