
History of Momil

two cultural phases covering a period of nearly 2500 years, their names, Momil I and II Momil where we observed the passage of cassava cultivation of corn.

In the beginning, the town, occupied a smaller area of ​​1 hectare. The town was built on a sandy soil - clay, the layout of its streets was the work of masons, with irregular and disproportionate apples, the street starts broad and ends tapering at the ends as it moves away from the central plaza and approach the marsh to find their lower expression in the neighborhoods of fishermen who are around you. The main square served as a regulatory element of urban development around the buildings of public and religious power rose and converged roads that connected with the rural municipality Momil was catechized on June 13, 1693 by Friar Francisco Abad Ceballos, in land area Cerro Mohan. Since the event took place on the day of San Antonio, the town took the name of San Antonio de Momil. A century later, on 17 November 1776, the special envoy of the Spanish Crown, founded and organized by shifting the site now occupied for that, made the distribution of 808 plots, accounting for a total of 1,664 people The specific task was to deliver Spanish titles on behalf of the Spanish Crown, not only work conducted in Momil but in many of the towns visited by Córdoba, especially the Lower Sinu. The name Momil population is due to an Indian chief named Momiel, as well as the mummies found in the Cerro Mohan. The Municipality of Momil was legally created by Ordinance 021 of 1963.