
About Aguadas

Bounded on the north Abejorral, on the east by Sonsón, Salamina in the southeast with the south with Pacora, on the west with Caramanta and Valparaiso, and the northwest with La Pintada. The municipality of Caldas was founded in 1808 by José Narciso Estrada, is located in the northern part of the department. In addition to the fame of Aguadeño Hats (Sombrero aguadeño in spanish), very similar to the Panama Hat made of, like in Colombia is called, iraca. Aguadas offers visitors its historic center, declared a National Monument in 1982. It has a temperate climate thanks to the variety of climates ranging from warm to moor.

Another of its main attractions is the National Festival Colombian Pasillo (In Spanish, Festival Nacional del Pasillo Colombiano) event that earned him recognition as the capital of the Colombian Pasillo
