
Travel to Nha Trang

common scams in Vietnam! Soft sleeper rooms are 4 berth, hard sleepers are 6 berth. You can sit comfortably on a lower bed in a 4 berth room but in a 6 berth you will have to be very short in order to sit up straight. SNT trains (meaning Saigon to Nha Trang) have similar quality cars but are slower than the SE trains. The TN trains have the oldest and dirtiest cars and are the slowest so therefore are not recommended. Each of the SE, TN and SNT coded trains end with a number. If the number is odd it travels from North to South. If it is even, it travels from South to North.

The journey to Nha Trang from Ho Chi Minh City takes between 6-8 hours on the SE trains (but are often delayed), so a sleeper is not really necessary, a cushioned seat in the Air Con car costs 190,000 dong. Soft seat is 310.000 dong (June 2012) The SNT trains take over 9 hours and travels overnight only.

For 535,000 dong (lower bed T1 or 465,000 dong for upper bed T2), you can book a soft sleeper on the SNT1 or SE1, SE3, SE5 or SE7 trains from Nha Trang to Ho Chi Minh City. These are the prices if you buy directly from Nha Trang train station. You will obviously pay more from an agent. Prices and times correct September 2012. Hotels will typically be able to buy the ticket for you for an additional 30,000 dong. The scenery on this journey is not that great compared to further north, so you are not missing out too much by traveling overnight.

The SE1 train departs Nha Trang at 8.26PM and arrives in Ho Chi Minh City at 4.10AM. The SE3 train departs Nha Trang at 9.42PM and arrives in Ho Chi Minh City at 4.30AM. The SE5 train departs Nha Trang at 12.39PM and arrives in Ho Chi Minh City at 8.00PM. The SE7 train departs Nha Trang at 8.41AM and arrives in Ho Chi Minh City at 4.48PM. The SNT1 train departs Nha Trang at 6.40PM and arrives in Ho Chi Minh City at 5.20AM.

The SNT2 departs Ho Chi Min City at 8.00PM and arrives in Nha Trang at 5AM.

The train station is about