
Travel to Umea


Ybuss  is a long distance bus company with 3 busses a day on the Stockholm - Ume� route departing Stockholm at 08:20, 12:40 and 20:40. The travel time is around 9 hours and the bus stops for a meal break half way. The tickets range is 330 - 415 SEK depending on if you have student discount.

Linje 31  has 3 nonstop busses a day to T�rnaby with one bus continuing to Mo i Rana in Norway. This 5.5 hour ride stops in Lycksele and Storuman along the way. One way ticket is 242 SEK. T�rnaby is V�sterbottens biggest ski resort  and lies on the border with Norway.

By boat

RG Line  runs ferries between Vaasa, Finland across the Gulf of Bothnia and Holmsund at the mouth of the Ume river. A oneway trip takes 4,5 hours. The time table changes frequently. The prices are fix and range from 450 SEK for students up to 600 SEK for adults. From Holmsund, take bus 123 or 124 (38 SEK) to Ume�. It is an easy 20 minute ride.

By car

649km (403 miles) north on E4 from Stockholm. Note that driving in Norrland can be dangerous, especially in winter. Collisions with moose are a common cause of road accidents. During the latest years the road administration of Sweden (V�gverket) have invested much in upgrading road safety, which includes wild-life barriers/fences along major roads. This is by no means a guarantee, but it reduces the risk of moose-collisions. Other upgrades include 3-lane roads, where one direction is provided with two lanes to allow for safe passing of other vehicles while the other direction only has one. This changes from one direction to another along the road, so within a reasonable distance, the direction you travel in will have 2 lanes. It is recommended to have experience of driving in snow and poor visibility when driving in the winter, as even major roads get snow covered during days with lots of snow falling, just as strong winds in some parts cause snow to drift onto the road surface. All in