
History of Isla de Lanzarote

preserved aboriginal times refer to the trunk -Berber camito of different dialects spoken in the Canary Islands . It would also emphasize the existence of recorded alfabeti formes, as in the rest of the islands' own writing or Libyan-Berber Tifinagh , with another kind of writing, which seems exclusive Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, which has been called " America "because of its similarity to the Pompeian italic, and that could mean some level of Romanization of the Berber populations arrivals to the island.

In terms of the settlement dates, most theories point to a time near the year 500. C. for dating the first human arrivals to the Canary Islands . For Lanzarote, archeology has shown that the cultural horizon of the first settlers of the island corresponds to the early history of northwest Africa, starring Berber villages influenced by culture Punic , and perhaps also by the Latin . The exact causes that led to the displacement are unknown.

On the physical side of the aborigines of the island little is known with certainty, because of the paucity of studies anthropology . The limited pieces bone studied refer to a type of medium height and sharp high-strength, mediterranoides North African features. Ethnohistorical sources, mainly the chronic Norman of conquest ( Le Canarien ), merely noting that "people are beautiful and good game."

Elements of culture and archeology

The habitat most widespread of aboriginals was the cave , both natural and artificially constructed. In Lanzarote, however, were the predominant habitat in area towns . The living spaces grouped in villages, of which there are located more than twenty-had very peculiar characteristics canary in archaeological context. These are called "deep house", so called because the ground is dug into the ground, so that half or more of the room would be under the ground level. Along with these, some volcanic tubes were used as stays, usually