
History of Ile Aride

The Seychelles Warbler was introduced from Cousin Island to Aride in 1988 and its population is now the largest in the world with over 2,000 pairs. The Seychelles Fody was also introduced from Cousin in 2002, as well the Seychelles Magpie Robin from Fregate Island. The Seychelles Blue Pigeon and the Seychelles Sunbird have re-colonized Aride naturally.

Reptilian fauna includes several species of skink, three species of gecko and three species of non-poisonous snakes. Green Turtles and Hawksbill Turtles are regular visitors to the beaches of Aride.

Aride is the only place in the world where the flowering shrub Wright's Gardenia Rothmannia annae is endemic
