
History of Uzice

r), Užice was renamed "TitovoUžice" (ТитовоУжице). From 1992, following the collapse of the pro-communist administration, "Titovo" (meaning Tito's) was removed, leaving the original city name Užice. It was one of eight towns renamed Tito's town in Yugoslavia. Due to being "Titovo" and central-planning communist system, Užice received significant amounts of investments in infrastructure and local factories, which made the city one of the most highy developed for its size in former Yugoslavia. Following the break-up of the region, all the towns dropped the "Titovo" title.


During the 1990s Užice's economy shrunk rapidly due to war and instability in the region.

In 1999 the city was bombed multiple times during the Operation Allied Force. The largest scale of bombing occurred on May 6, 1999 when NATO forces bombed a large number of roads and highways, the airport, civilian buildings and government buildings. After the largest bombing operation in Užice occurred, thousands of people
