
Travel to Huanuco

Tarapacá 552) has several departures per day, taking around 7 hours.

Cerro de Pasco/La Oroya - Colectivos to Cerro de Pasco take 2 hours. Combis to La Oroya are less frequent and take 3½ hours. They leave from the Control at Acahauyna. Take a taxi from the centre.

Tingo María/Pucallpa - There are plenty of buses that go to Tingo María, taking around 3 hours. Many of these go on to Pucallpa, a further 8 hours away, total of the 11-hour journey. The journey to Pucallpa should be travelled by day, as attacks on buses are not unknown.  Transportes Leoncido Prado (Hermillo Valdizán 235), Transportes Transamazónica (Hermillo Valdizán 260), Turismo Las Brisas (Hermillo Valdizán 246), and Turismo Central (Jr. Tarapacá 552) serve this route.

The quickest way to get to Tingo María is to take a colectivo, which takes 2 hours. There are several places these leave from, although the most convenient is near the bridge on General Prado.

La Unión/Huaraz - The journey to La Unión takes 5 hours by bus or 3.5 hours by colectivo. There are several companies on Jr. Tarapacá on cuadra 400 serve the route. From La Unión it is possible to carry on to Huaraz. Paraiso Natural
