
Travel to Huancavelica

Ferrocarril 1590 Huancayo) offers daily bus service to Huancavelica basically every hour, costs 13+ soles. Trip is 4 hours.

Shared Taxi´s are taken from right around the Ticllas bus station and cost 25-30 Soles, and takes 3-3.5 hours because they drive very fast and often dangerously. The road is now paved so the trip competes with the train for comfort now.

From Ayacucho

(note: dirt roads may be impassible in the rainy season)

Bus company Molina offers a direct service from Ayacucho to Huancavelica daily, leaving Ayacucho at 9:00pm and arriving in Huancavelica around 2:30am or 3:00am. Costs 40 soles and is service executive (1 floor bus, with bathroom and heat). This bus is a DIRECT service meaning they do not stop along the way to pickup or dropoff passengers, making this a safe and secure trip.

The direct way via colectivo to Julcamarca, a second colectivo to Lircay, and a third colectivo to Huancavelica (all dirt roads). With luck and an early start, you could make it through in one day. Basic accommodation is available in Julcamarca and Lircay, if necessary.

Via Rumichaca and St. Ines. Take a 5:30 am shared van, or morning bus before 7am heading the coast (but you may have to pay the fare to Lima), and then catch a bus to Huancavelica (departure 11 AM, dirt road). The landscape is unique and impressive, most of it is between 4000 and 5000 m above sea level.

Take the morning bus to Huancayo, get off at Izuchaca (8-10 hours) where the dirt road becomes paved, and then catch onward local transport to Huancavelica (~1 hour).

From Lima

Bus company Lobato  offers a "bus cama" service to Huancavelica daily, leaving at 7:15pm (12 hour trip). Costs
