
Travel to Hebron

Patriarchs, take bus 160 from the Jerusalem Central Bus station. This is the easiest route to get to Hebron because it is a direct bus ride that is quite fast and requires no transfers. The bus driver routinely charges student or senior citizen price for all passengers, so round trip can cost as low as 10 shekels or so. The regular price is 9 shekels ($2.25USD) each way which is quite cheap as well.

There are also a few buses from Be'er Sheva if you are coming from the south. Check that it goes into Hebron and not just to the nearby Jewish settlement of Kiryat Arba. It is impossible to access the Jewish settler's section of Hebron on foot. Palestinian taxi drivers are not allowed into the Jewish settler's section, so you will need to travel there from an Israeli town or a Jewish settlement. (This is not entirely true. Internationals can but if your driver is Palestinian, then your vehicle cannot. Hence, avoid this mess, take the Palestinian route above)

If you want to access major metropolitan Hebron, you can take a servees taxi from the bus stations in Ramallah or Bethlehem. If you are coming from Jerusalem, you can also take the bus to Abu Dis and tell the bus driver you are going to Khalil

The by far easiest and cheapest way to get to Hebron from Jerusalem is to take a so-called Service-Taxi to Betlehem, then ask the driver where to take another Service-Taxi to Hebron
