
Economy of Jhelum

is involved in every aspect of cigarette production, from tobacco cultivation to packaging we have evolved and grown with Pakistan. However, what is significant about these sixty-two years is the effort that PTC has demonstrated in the development of the country. By being instrumental in the campaign for modern agricultural and industrial practices, we have helped in the development and progress of the agricultural & industrial sector in the country. PTC is the largest excise tax generator in the private sector in the country. In 2004 alone, PTC paid the government close to Rs.16 billion in excise and sales taxes. This amounts to over Rs. 50 million per working day. Over one million people are economically dependent on the industry in Pakistan.

Pakistan Chipboard (Pvt) Ltd is a Jhelum; Pakistan based Furniture, Chip Boards & Hard Boards, Woodworking, Wood & Timber company. It is located on GT Road Jhelum. Jhelum Factory uses 100% Mango (Mangifera indica) wood as raw material for its Chipboard.

 Eucalypts are mostly grown in irrigated plantations; in all some 10,000 ha are established
