
When to visit Zacatecas

Zacatecas is worth visiting for a number of reasons and the best time of the year to visit this state are February, July and December. Zacatecas is designed to walk and it is worth experiencing at the best time of the year. Because of its pink limestone historic buildings, Zacatecas is known as one of the most beautiful cities worth exploring in north of Mexico.

For those who prefer mild weather, the best time of the year to visit Zacatecas is June or July.  By mid July, it starts to rain, the best time for those who love the rains. Another worth visiting time to visit this beautiful place is the month of September, when the Zacatecas National Fair is held.  One can witness art expositions, impressive culinary creations, horse races, bull fighting and charreadas. The month of August is also worth visiting for La Morisma that takes place during the last week of this month