
Travel to Xilitla

Houston, Mexico City or Monterrey. There are several flights into Tampico daily, and we suggest that you plan on arriving there before 5 P.M. You can also fly into Queretaro or Leon (both conveniently near San Miguel de Allende) and rent a car or car and driver in San Miguel and drive up to Xilitla (6-8 hour drive).

You can either rent a car in Tampico or make arrangements to be picked up buy your hotel.

You may also fly to Brownsville or McAllen, Texas where you are only eight hours from Xilitla by first class bus.

If you are trying to find us on the map, Xilitla is approximately 40 miles south of Ciudad Valles in the state of San Luis Potosi, between Ciudad Valles and Tamanzuchale just off the main road to Mexico City