
Travel to Hakodate

way to reach Hakodate is by overnight sleeper train. The Hokutosei sleeper train departs daily from Ueno Station in Tokyo. The ride to Hakodate takes 11 1/2 hours. The Cassiopeia sleeper train also runs from Ueno to Hakodate a few times a week, but its cabins are more expensive than the Hokutosei. Both trains eventually continue to Sapporo.

The Nihonkai overnight train from Osaka and Kyoto in Kansai runs as far as Aomori, from which you can connect to a limited express train for the run to Hakodate (Journey time from Osaka is 17 hours). Note that the more expensive Twilight Express overnight service does not stop in Hakodate.

Hakodate can also be reached using the Seishun 18 Ticket, as the ticket is valid on limited expresses between Kikonai and Kanita across the Seikan Tunnel. See Seishun 18 Ticket for a sample itinerary.

Trains to areas outside of Hakodate leave infrequently (compared to areas like Tokyo where trains come every few minutes) so plan ahead.

By boat

Hakodate's main ferry terminal is 4 km from the center and reachable on buses 1 and 19; a direct shuttle is also available between the ferry terminal and train station.

Seikan Ferry  and Tsugaru Kaikyo Ferry  operate ferry services from Hakodate's port to Aomori with multiple departures daily. One way fares are cheapest on the Seikan Ferry at �1500 for a carpet space. The Tsugaru Kaikyo ferries are more expensive: one way fares are �2700 for second class (carpet space), �5000 for first class and �6000 for special class. Note that first and special classes are only offered on specific departures and offer better amenities, such as a room with bed. Travel time on all services is approximately 3 hours, 45 minutes.

Tsugaru Kaikyo also operates to Oma on the remote Shimokita Peninsula, with two daily round-trips. �2200 for second class; �3000 for a reserved seat. Travel time is 1 hour, 40 minutes.

Cars and motorcycles can also be