
History of Bologna

nown of whom was Giuseppe Dozza. At the apex of the so-called Years of Lead, on August 2, 1980, a bomb exploded in the central railway station in Bologna killing 85 people, wounding 200: this event became known as the massacre of Bologna. Two people were convicted: Valerio Fioravanti and Francesca Mambro, both of them neo-fascist from the group Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari, while former Grand Master of the Freemason lodge P2 Licio Gelli, former agent of SISMI Francesco Pazienza, and military secret service officers Pietro Musumeci and Giuseppe Belmonte were convicted for hampering the investigation. In 1999 the long tradition of left-wing mayors was interrupted by the victory of conservative Giorgio Guazzaloca; this brief experience ended in 2004 when Sergio Cofferati, a former unionist, was elected. The next center-left mayor, Flavio Delbono, elected in June 2009, resigned in January 2010 after being involved in a corruption scandal. He was eventually succeeded by Virginio Merola