
Economy of Afula

According to CBS figures for 2000, there were 13,762 salaried workers and 887 self-employed in Afula. The mean monthly wage for a salaried worker was ILS 4,723, a real change of 6.4% over the course of 2000. Salaried males had a mean monthly wage of ILS 5,913 (a real change of 8.6%) versus ILS 3,541 for women (a real change of 2.0%). The average income for the self-employed was 6,477. 962 people received unemployment benefits and 3,938 received an income guarantee.

The Alon Tavor Industrial Zone located northeast of Afula off Highway 65 was initiated with the Jezreel Valley Regional Council. A large tenant is the factory for Tadiran air conditioners and appliances