
Travel to Mahabaleshwar


Mahabaleshwar is located about 32 km from Wai. It is around 270 km from Mumbai, the state capital. The nearest major city is Satara, around 55 km away, and is 120 km from Pune. Mahabaleshwar is connected by the National Highway 4. Bus services by state-run MSRTC and private organizations connect it by buses from Pune, Mumbai, Sangli and Satara.


Nearest railroad is Satara, around 58 km. Nearest major railway junctions include Pune (120 km), Miraj (170 km) and Sangli (165 km). Private cars and cabs, as well as state-run bus services are available in these locations to Mahabaleshwar.


The nearest airport is Pune International Airport, serving the city of Pune, about 120 km from Mahabaleshwar. Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport of Mumbai is 270 km away and is the only major international hub