
History of Jabalpur

Maratha Peshwa granted the Nerbuddah valley to the Bhonsle kings of Nagpur, who continued to hold the district until the British occupied it in c. 1818 CE after defeating the Marathas. The British made Jabbalgarh the commission headquarters of the Saugor and Nerbudda Territories and established a cantonment here.

•    The Beohars.

There were periods of power-shifts from one ruler to other. During such transitional turmoils, Jubbulpore's Beohar family played significant role in safeguarding region's interests since Kalchuri period, that is c. 945 CE onwards. Beohars (Hindi: व्यौहार) were Jagirdars (like Dukes or Earls) who looked after inter-state relations. In peace, they were ambassadors and defendants of their state's traditions/customs Vyauhar (Hindi: व्यौहार) and during war became gallantry knight-commanders or Sardar, thus, the title-prefix Sardar-Beohar with salutation Rajman-Rajeshri (Hindi: राज्यमान-राजेश्री). Their earliest recorded progenitor finds mention as Amatya Golok Simha during Kalchuri-dynasty. One of their ancestor Adhar Simha Kayasth, as Rani Durgavati's ambassador, went to Akbar's court and, as knight-commander, led the army and laid his life for the nation. Much later, estates were granted to R.R. Sardar-Beohar Kehari Simha (c. 1735-1845) by Gond rulers for bravery in battlefields. He detained Clive’s messenger Jainualbdeen in the region but let him go after intervention from Raja Nizamsahi and Raja Janoji Bhonsle. A chapter in Sir Sleeman's book 'Rambles and Recollections..' is devoted to Beohar Kehri Simha. R.R. Beohar Dariyav Simha (c. 1760-1850), as minister of Raja Raghoji II Bhonsle, headed the army to win battles of 1792-93 and 1799-1801 defeating pindari Mir Khan. He hosted the orientalist Vedic-scholar Sir Colebrooke at Beohar-Palace on embankment of Phootatal-reservoir in 1801 CE and took him to his Burhagarh, Gosalpur and Jujhari. His