
Travel to Gosaba

   By Road : Means of road transport are available from Kolkata for the places like    Namkhana (105 km), Sonakhali (100 km), Raidighi (76 km), Canning (64 km), and Najat (92  km), which are all near the Sunderbans and have access to the riverine waterways   leading to it.

   By Rail : The nearest railhead is at Canning, 48 kms away.

   By Air : Dum Dum (166kms), is the nearest airport at Calcutta.

   By Road : Means of road transport are available from Kolkata for the places like      Namkhana(105 km), Sonakhali (100 km), Raidighi (76 km), Canning (64 km), and Najat (92 km),

   which are all near the Sunderbans and have access to the riverine waterways leading to      it