
Economy of Catacamas

industrial products are the production of milk, sand blocks, sewing and breads. (Data source: PDEM Catacamas, 2007 y Base de Datos del Dpto. Control Tributario Municipal dad de Catacamas 2009).

(1)The construction sector, for example, has been strengthened with new projects of subdivision/development. Many of the houses and land are bought by originating Catacamans living abroad or through their relatives.

(2) Another growth area is tourism. Recently, a public private table implemented activities that strengthen this sector according to a common strategy of the municipalities Santa María del Real and Dulce Nombre de Culmí, supported by the German Cooperation. Currently, we are working on the design of eco-tourism routes and in training for service providers (tour guides, restaurants, hotels, etc.).

(3) Another innovative process is the certification of several coffee farms in the region with the Rainforest Alliance Certificate which is a certificate for sustainable coffee production. The certification can achieve better prices for coffee while preserving the environment. Portal Virtual de Negocios
