
Culture of Sankt Goar


�    Saint George�s Evangelical Church (St. Georgskirche), Kirchstra�e � 1692-1698 new building an aisleless church, tower 1789-1791, prayer room 1892, conversion 1905, new construction of tower, 1906/1907

�    Rheingoldstra�e 52 � former rectory; Classicist building with hipped roof, sided (timber framing?), 1832/1833, building inspector F. Nebel, Koblenz

�    Forsthaus Brandswald (forester�s house), northwest of the village � one-floor quarrystone building, commercial wing, barn, bakehouse and well, early 19th century

The castle, Burg Rheinfels, stands � or rather lies in ruins � above Sankt Goar and was founded in 1245 by Count Diether of Katzenelnbogen. After it had been expanded into a fort, it was the biggest defensive complex in the Rhine Gorge and set the standard for castle building throughout the Empire. In the late 18th century, French Revolutionary troops destroyed the fort, after which the complex was used as a stone quarry for other building work. In 1843, Prince William of Prussia, later Kaiser Wilhelm I, acquired the ruin, thus preventing further destruction. Since 1925, the town of Sankt Goar has owned the castle. Today the complex houses a hotel operation and an inn. Also, it houses the town�s local history museum.

The Evangelical Collegiate Church, consecrated to Saint Goar, in the centre of Sankt Goar is a church with Romanesque and Gothic features. The three-vaulted Romanesque crypt comes from the late 11th century. In the three-naved church up above are wall paintings from the latter half of the 15th century.

The Katholische Pfarrkirche zum Hl. Goar (Catholic Parish Church) was built in the late 19th century in the Gothic Revival style. Worth seeing are Saint Goar�s Late Gothic tomb slab and a retable from 1480, which is among the most valuable works of Middle-Rhine painting.

The Deutsches Puppen- und B�renmuseum (�German Doll and Bear Museum�) on