
Culture of Dresden

according to the institution's own statements, place it among the most important museums presently in existence. The art collections consist of twelve museums, of which the Gem�ldegalerie Alte Meister (Old Masters Gallery) and the Gr�nes Gew�lbe (Green Vault) are the most famous. Also known are Galerie Neue Meister (New Masters Gallery), R�stkammer (Armoury) with the Turkish Chamber, and the Museum f�r V�lkerkunde Dresden (Museum of Ethnology).

�    The Deutsche Hygiene-Museum, founded for mass education in hygiene, health, human biology and medicine

�    The Landesmuseum f�r Vorgeschichte (State Museum of Prehistory)

�    The Staatliche Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden (State Collection of Natural History)

�    The Universit�tssammlung Kunst + Technik (Collection of Art and Technology of the Dresden University of Technology)

�    Verkehrsmuseum Dresden (Transport Museum)

�    Festung Dresden (Dresden Fortress)

The Dresden City Museum is run by the city of Dresden and focused on the city's history. The Milit�rhistorisches Museum der Bundeswehr (Military History Museum) is placed in the former garrison in the Albertstadt.

The book museum of the Saxon State Library presents the famous Dresden Codex. The Botanischer Garten Dresden is a botanical garden in the Gro�er Garten that is maintained by the Dresden University of Technology. Also located in the Gro�er Garten is the Dresden Zoo.

Although Dresden is often said to be a Baroque city, its architecture is influenced by more than one style. Other eras of importance are the Renaissance and Historism, as well as the contemporary styles of Modernism and Postmodernism.

Dresden has some 13 000 listed cultural monuments and eight districts under general preservation orders.

The royal buildings are among the most impressive buildings in Dresden. The Dresden