
History of Isla Santa Fe

It was named after the capitulations of Santa Fe , signed on April 17 of 1492 , which was granted to Christopher Columbus the titles of Admiral of the Ocean Sea Mayor, Viceroy and Governor General of the lands he discovered, the right from a list in the appointment of councilors and the tenth or 10% of all goods traded on the Indies. Barrington's name is in honor of Admiral Samuel Barrington . The vegetation of the island is characterized by the presence of a dense forest of the largest species of giant cacti echios Opuntia and palo santo . The coastal cliffs are home to the Galapagos gulls and petrels . The Santa Fe land iguana ( Conolophus pallidus ) isendemic to the island, which houses the lava lizard , has a turquoise lagoon and calm waters which are sea lions . It is also endemic to the island a subspecies of