
Economy of Kisangani

products (like Prawns, Kosa Kosa or Caterpillars...), others engage in artisanal quarrying, ceramics, coffee growing, Jeweller dealing, producing cultural artifacts, precious metals goldsmiths or subsistence farming.

Manufacturing accounts for a large share of employment. Garments, chemicals, metal products, processed foods, and furniture are some of the principal products. Most of the food products derived from rural areas whose main activities are agriculture and livestock include Kosa Kosa and prawns, which are exported to all major cities of the République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). The Wagenia, whom mostly fish the rapids of the famous Wagenia Falls on the Congo River are known for the possession of excellent fishing skills. The food-processing industry is a stable major manufacturing sector in the city. Chocolate is Kisangani’s leading specialty-food export, with imports of cocoa from nearby Kabinda District.

During the holidays, the young people enjoy the school holidays, by engaging in part-time jobs, learning earlier on how to earn money and gaining family budgetary skills, by adding to the family income. The children are likely to open up small vending businesses, of which the services offered may include selling boiled eggs, cooking oil or operating shoeshine stores, to name a few. Many parents believe that part-time work helps children to become more independent as well as providing them (and sometimes their families) with extra income
