
Embassies & Consulates in Czech Republic

Find below the list of Embassies, Consulates and High Commissions in Czech Republic. The country-wise embassies in Czech Republic is stacked in alphabetical order.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Afghanistan  Afghanistan

Embassy of Afghanistan in Prague, Czech Republic

Komornicka 1852/25

6 Dejvice

Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 2 3354 4228

Fax: (+420) 2 3345 2009

Albania  Albania

Embassy of Albania in Prague, Czech Republic

Pod Kstansky 22

Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 23337 0594/ (+420) 233380600

Fax: (+420) 2 3337 7232

Email: [email protected]

Algeria  Algeria

Embassy of Algeria in Prague, Czech Republic

Vtisine 483/41

PO BOX 204

Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420)233 101 770

Fax: (+420)233 371 144

Email: [email protected]


Angola  Angola

Embassy of Angola in Prague, Czech Republic

Nad Stolou 18

Patro II


Czech Republic

Telephone: 376260/ 376126378441

Fax: 122482

Angola  Angola

Consulate of Angola in Brno, Czech Republic

ul. Hlinky 110

Brno - 60300

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 543 124 340

Fax: (+420) 543 124 310

Email: [email protected]

Argentina  Argentina

Embassy of Argentina in Prague, Czech Republic

Panska 6

Prague - 11000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 2 2421-2448/ (+420) 2 2421-2449

Fax: (+420) 2 2224 1246

Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: 9:00 to 14:00

Armenia  Armenia

Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Prague, Czech Republic

Na Piskach 1411/95,


Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 220 518 175

Fax: (+420) 220 517 686

Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri - 09:00-18:00

Australia  Australia

Australian Consulate in Prague, Czech Republic

Solitaire Office Building

Klimentska 10

Prague - 11000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 221 729 260

Fax: (+420) 296 578 352

Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: 9:00-13:00 and 14:00-17:00 Monday to Friday

Austria  Austria

Embassy of Austria in Prague, Czech Republic

Viktora Huga 10

Prague - 15115

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 257 090 511

Fax: (+ 420) 257 316 045

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours: 09.00-12.00

Austria  Austria

Consulate of Austria in Brno, Czech Republic

Botanicka 834/56

Brno - 60200

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 541 55 42 40/ (+420) 541 55 42 04

Fax: (+420) 541 55 42 09

Email: [email protected],[email protected]

Office Hours: 09.00-12.00

Austria  Austria

Consulate of Austria in Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic

nam. Premysla Otakara II c. 13

Ceske Budejovice - 37063

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 38 63 50 318

Fax: (+420) 38 63 58 171

Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: 13.00 - 15.00

Azerbaijan  Azerbaijan

Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Prague, Czech Republic

Na Zatorce 783/17


Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 246032422

Fax: (+420) 246032423

Email: [email protected]


Belarus  Belarus

Embassy of Belarus in Prague, Czech Republic

ul. Sadky 626

Prague - 17100

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 233 540 899

Fax: (+420) 233 540 925

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours: 8.00 to 12.00, 13.00-17.00, Monday - Friday

Belgium  Belgium

Embassy of Belgium in Prague, Czech Republic

Valdstejnska 6

Mala Strana

Prague - 11801

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 257 533 524

Fax: (+420) 257 533 750

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours: Monday through Friday 09.00-12.00 and 14.00-16.00, Consular Section : Monday through Friday 09.00-12.00 and 14.00-16.00

Belize  Belize

Consulate of Belize in Prague, Czech Republic

Silurska 1006/5


Prague - 15200

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 602 628 533

Fax: (+420) 257 532 263

Email: [email protected]

Bosnia and Herzegovina  Bosnia and Herzegovina

Embassy of Bosnia- Herzegovina in Prague, Czech Republic

Opletalova 27

Prague - 11000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 22 44 22 510/ (+420) 22 44 22 511

Fax: (+420) 22 22 10 183

Email: [email protected]

Brazil  Brazil

Embassy of Brazil in Prague, Czech Republic

Panska 5,

Prague - 11000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 224 321 910

Fax: (+420) 224 312 901

Email: [email protected]

Bulgaria  Bulgaria

Bulgarian Embassy in Prague, Czech Republic

ul. Krakovska 6


Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 2222 10 230

Fax: (+420) 2222 11 728

Email: [email protected]

Canada  Canada

Embassy of Canada in Prague, Czech Republic

Muchova 6

Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (011) (+420) 272 101 800

Fax: (011) (+420) 272 101 890

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 12:30 am and 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm/ Consular Section only 8.30 am - 12.30 am.

Chile  Chile

Embassy of Chile in Prague, Czech Republic

U. Vorliku 623/4;

Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) (2) 2431 5064 / 2431 3176/ 2057 1656

Fax: (+420) (2) 2431 6069

Email: [email protected]

China  China

Chinese Embassy in Prague, Czech Republic

Pelleova 18


Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 224311323/ (+420) 233028898/233028853

Fax: (+420) 224319888/ (+420) 233028845

Email: [email protected]


Costa Rica  Costa Rica

Embassy of Costa Rica in Prague, Czech Republic

Embassy of Costa Rica Hellichova 458,

Prague - 111800

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 257310582

Fax: (+420) 257310582

Email: [email protected]

Croatia  Croatia

Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Prague, Czech Republic

V Pruhledu 9

Prague - 16200

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 235 090 801

Fax: (+420) 233 343 464

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8.00-16.00/ Working hours (with clients): Monday - Friday 9.00-12.00

Cuba  Cuba

Embassy of Cuba in Prague, Czech Republic

Sibirske nam 1

Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 233 322 175/ 224 311 253

Fax: (+420) 233 341 029

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 am. to 11:30 am Closed on holidays in Cuba

Denmark  Denmark

Royal Danish Embassy in Prague, Czech Republic

P.O.Box 25

Maltezske Namesti 5, Mala Strana

Prague - 11801

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 257 531 600

Fax: (+420) 257 531 410

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 09.00 -16.00 Friday 09.00 - 15.30 Consular- and Visa Section: Monday - Friday 09.00 - 12.00

Dominican Republic  Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic Embassy in Prague, Czech Republic

Nad Strakovkou 2291/9, Dejvice

Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 241-409939

Fax: (+420) 220 515837

Email: [email protected]

Ecuador  Ecuador

Ecuadorian Consulate in Prague, Czech Republic

Verdunska 27

Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 22 4325144

Email: [email protected]

Egypt  Egypt

Embassy of Egypt in Prague, Czech Republic

Pelleova 14, Bubenec

Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 224 311 506

Fax: (+420)224 311 157

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours: Monday through Friday from 09.00 to 16.00; Consular Section: from 09.00 to 12.00

Estonia  Estonia

Embassy of Estonia in Prague, Czech Republic

Na Kampe 1

Prague - 11800

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 257 011 180

Fax: (+420) 257 011 181

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours: The consular section is open on Mo, Tu, Th, Fr 10.00-12.00 The consular section is closed on holidays

Finland  Finland

Embassy of Finland in Prague, Czech Republic

Hellichova 1


Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 2511 77251

Fax: (+420) 2511 77241

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours: Customer service: Mon-Fri 9.00-12.00

France  France

Embassy of France in Prague, Czech Republic

Velkoprevorske Namesti 2

Mala Strana

Prague - 11801

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 251 17 17 11

Fax: (+420) 251 17 17 20

Email: [email protected]


France  France

Consular Section of the Embassy of France in Prague, Czech Republic

Nosticova 10 - B.P. 102

Prague - 11801

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 251 17 17 11

Fax: (+420) 251 17 17 40

Email: [email protected]


Georgia  Georgia

Embassy of Georgia in Prague, Czech Republic

Malostranske nam. 5/28,

Prague - 11800

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 233 311 749/751

Fax: (+420) 233 311 752

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours: 09.30-18.30

Germany  Germany

German Embassy in Prague, Czech Republic

Vlasska 19

Mala Strana


Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 2 57 11 31 11

Fax: (+420) 2 57 53 40 56

Email: [email protected]


Ghana  Ghana

Embassy of Ghana in Prague, Czech Republic

V Tisine 4


Czech Republic

Telephone: 373058/59

Email: [email protected]

Greece  Greece

Embassy of Greece in Prague, Czech Republic

Helenska 2



Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) (2) 22250943 or 22250955

Fax: (+420) 222 53686

Email: [email protected]

Greenland  Greenland

Royal Danish Embassy in Prague, Czech Republic

P.O. Box 25, Maltezske Namesti 5

Mala Strana

Prague - 11801

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 257 531 600

Fax: (+420) 257 531 410

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours: Monday to Thursday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am to 3:30 pm

Hungary  Hungary

Embassy of the Republic of Hungary in Prague, Czech Republic

Pod Hradbami 17

Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 233 324 454

Fax: (+420) 233 322 104

Email: [email protected]


India  India

Embassy of India in Prague, Czech Republic

Valdstejnska 6

Prague - 11800

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 257533490 93

Fax: (+420) 257533378

Email: [email protected]


Indonesia  Indonesia

Embassy of Indonesia in Prague, Czech Republic

Nad Budankami II/7


Prague - 15021

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 25721 4388 to 90

Fax: (+420) 25721 2105

Email: [email protected]


Iraq  Iraq

Embassy of The Republic of Iraq in Prague, Czech Republic

10 Na zatorce,

Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 224326977 / (+420) 224326976

Email: [email protected]

Israel  Israel

Embassy of Israel in Prague, Czech Republic

Badeniho 2

Prague - 17006

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 233 097 500

Fax: (+420) 233 097 519

Email: [email protected]


Italy  Italy

Embassy of Italy in Prague, Czech Republic

Nerudova, 20


Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 2 3308 0111

Fax: (+420) 2 5753 1522

Email: [email protected]


Jamaica  Jamaica

Jamaican Consulate in Prague, Czech Republic

Onrickova 7

Prague - 13000

Czech Republic

Telephone: 222 727 041 or 777 700 850

Fax: (+420) 222 727 041

Email: [email protected]

Japan  Japan

Embassy of Japan in Prague, Czech Republic

Maltezske namesti 6

Mala Strana


Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) (2)5753 3546, 5701 1011

Fax: (+420) (2)5753 2377

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours: 9:30 - 12:30 Monday through Friday

Kazakhstan  Kazakhstan

Embassy of Kazakhstan in Prague, Czech Republic

ul. Romaina Rolanda 12

Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 233 375 642, 643

Fax: (+420) 233 371 019

Email: [email protected]


Kuwait  Kuwait

Embassy of the State of Kuwait in Prague, Czech Republic

Na Zatorce 26

Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 20570781/2/3

Fax: (+420) 20570787

Email: [email protected]

Latvia  Latvia

Embassy of Latvia in Prague, Czech Republic

3 Hradeshinska Str., P.O.

Box 54,

Prague - 10100

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 255 700 881/(+420) 255 700 883

Fax: (+420) 255 700 880

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours: (Mon-Fri) 08:30 - 17:00

Lebanon  Lebanon

Embassy of Lebanon in Prague, Czech Republic

Lazarsk 6

Prague - 12000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 224 930 495, (+420) 224 930 029

Fax: (+420) 224 934 534

Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: 08:00 - 15:00

Lithuania  Lithuania

Embassy of Lithuania in Prague, Czech Republic

Pod Klikovkou 1916/2


Prague - 15000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 2 572 101 22; (+420) 2 572 101 23

Fax: (+420) 2 572 101 24

Email: [email protected]


Macedonia  Macedonia

Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia in Prague, Czech Republic

Balbinova 4/392

Prague - 12000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 222 521 093; (+420) 222 521 179

Fax: (+420) 222 521 108

Email: [email protected]

Malaysia  Malaysia

Embassy of Malaysia in Prague, Czech Republic

Na Zatorce 675/30


Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 234 706 611

Fax: (+420) 296 326 192

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m. - 4.30 p.m. Holiday : Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays

Malta  Malta

Honorary Consulate of Malta in Prague, Czech Republic

Mala Stupartska 7

Prague - 11000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) (2) 24815 377 / 224 815 373

Fax: (+420) (2) 24 815 379

Email: [email protected]

Mauritius  Mauritius

Honorary Consulate of Mauritius in Prague, Czech Republic

Brehova Str. 3

Prague - 11000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) /224/816 346, (+420) /224/811 274

Fax: (+420) /222 325 420

Email: [email protected]

Website: http://

Mexico  Mexico

Embassy of Mexico in Prague, Czech Republic

Nad Kazankou 8


Prague - 17100

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 283 061 530

Fax: (+420) 266 550 477

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Mongolia  Mongolia

Embassy of Mongolia in Prague, Czech Republic

Velvyslanectvi Mongolska,

Na Marne 5,

Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 2 24311198

Fax: (+420) 2 24314827

Email: [email protected]

Morocco  Morocco

Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Prague, Czech Republic

Ke Starembu Bubenci 4,

Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 233320267, 233325656

Fax: (+420) 233322634

Email: [email protected]

Nepal  Nepal

Honorary Consulate of Nepal in Prague, Czech Republic

Jinho Franka 1714,

Bemesov IU,

Prague - 25601

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 6042 96285

Fax: (+420) 272 705 710

Email: [email protected]

Netherlands  Netherlands

Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Prague, Czech Republic

Gotthardska 6/27


Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 233 015 200

Fax: (+420) 233 015 254

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours: Monday to Friday 09.00 - 13.00 14.00 - 18.00

New Zealand  New Zealand

New Zealand Honorary Consul in Prague in Prague, Czech Republic

Vaclavske Namesti 11,

Prague - 11000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 234 784 777

Fax: (+420) 234 784 445

Email: [email protected]


Nicaragua  Nicaragua

Honorary Consulate of Nicaragua in Prague, Czech Republic

Vlkova 19

Prague - 13000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 222210457

Fax: (+420) 222210457

Email: [email protected]

Norway  Norway

Royal Norwegian Embassy in Prague, Czech Republic

Hellichova 1/458

Prague - 11800

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 606 762 792

Fax: (+420) 272 920 849

Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00 - 16:00 Visa: 09:00 - 12:00 The Embassy is closed on: 1 January, 9 - 13 April, 1 May, 8 May, 6 July, 28 September, 28 October, 17 November, 24 - 26 December, 31 December.

Pakistan  Pakistan

Embassy of Pakistan in Prague, Czech Republic

U pate Baterie 7/761,


Prague - 16200

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 233 312 868

Fax: (+420) 233 312 885

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours: Consular Services : 0900 - 1200 hrs General Working Hours : 09:00 - 16:00 hrs

Palestine  Palestine

Embassy of Palestine in Prague, Czech Republic

P.O. Box 306

Prague - 11121

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 2 24311265

Fax: (+420) 2 24311133

Email: [email protected]


Panama  Panama

Panama Consulate in Prague, Czech Republic

Korunni 63

Prague - 12000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) (22) 4251411, 4255586

Fax: (+420) (22) 2520081

Peru  Peru

Embassy of the Republic of Peru in Prague, Czech Republic

Muchova 9,

Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 224318810 ; (+420) 224316210

Fax: (+420) 224314749

Email: [email protected] ; [email protected]

Philippines  Philippines

Embassy of the Philippines in Prague, Czech Republic

Senovazne Namesti 8

Prague - 11000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) (2) 2421 6397 / 224 216385

Fax: (+420) 2 2421 6390

Email: [email protected] / [email protected]


Poland  Poland

Embassy of Poland in Prague, Czech Republic

Valdstejnska 8,

Prague - 11801

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 257 099 500

Fax: (+420) 257 099 500

Email: [email protected]

Website: http://

Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Poland  Poland

Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Ostrava, Czech Republic

Blahoslavova 4


Ostrava - 70100

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 59118074

Fax: (+420) 59118074

Email: [email protected]


Portugal  Portugal

Embassy of Portugal in Prague, Czech Republic

N?mest? Kinskych, 7 - 2

Prague - 15000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 257 311 230

Fax: (+420) 257 311 234

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours: 9h00 - 16h00

Republic of Ireland  Republic of Ireland

Embassy of Ireland in Prague, Czech Republic

Velvyslanectv Irska

Trziste 13

Prague - 11800

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 257 530 061

Fax: (+420) 257 531 387


Office Hours: 09.30-12.30 and 14.30-16.30 (Monday-Friday)

Romania  Romania

Embassy of Romania in Prague, Czech Republic

Nerudova 5,

Prague - 11800

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) (25) 7534210

Fax: (+420) (25) 7531017

Email: [email protected]

Website: http://

Russia  Russia

Embassy of Russia in Prague, Czech Republic

nam. Pod Kastany 1, Bubenec


Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 233 37 4100, 233 37 1545

Fax: (+420) 233 37 7235

Email: [email protected], [email protected]


Saudi Arabia  Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Embassy in Prague, Czech Republic

Korunovacni 622/35


Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 257 316 606

Fax: (+420) 257 316 593

Email: [email protected]


Senegal  Senegal

Honorary Consulate of Senegal in Prague, Czech Republic

Ve struhach 27,

Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 220 18 82 09

Fax: (+420) 220 18 82 09

Email: [email protected]


Serbia  Serbia

Serbian Embassy in Prague, Czech Republic

Mostecka 15

Prague - 11800

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 25 7532075 / (+420) 25 7530393

Fax: (+420) 25 7533948

Email: [email protected]

Seychelles  Seychelles

Honorary Consulate of Syechelles in Prague, Czech Republic

Fuegnerovo namesti 3/1808

Prague - 12000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) (22) 4498511

Fax: (+420) (22) 4498732

Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 17:00

Singapore  Singapore

General Consulate of Singapore in Prague, Czech Republic

Na Prikope 23,

Prague - 11000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) (2) 2196 7208

Fax: (+420) (2) 2196 7209

Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Slovakia  Slovakia

Embassy of Slovakia in Prague, Czech Republic

Pod Hradbami 1,

Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) (23) 3113051

Fax: (+420) (23) 3113054

Email: [email protected]


Slovakia  Slovakia

Consulate of Slovakia in Brno, Czech Republic

Vodova ul.10,

Brno - 61200

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) (5) 41429911/(+420) 5 41429915

Fax: (+420) (5) 41216748

Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: 09.00 - 12.00 (Mon-Thu)

Slovenia  Slovenia

Embassy of Slovenia in Prague, Czech Republic

Pod Hradbami 15


Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 23 3081211

Fax: (+420) 22 4314106

Email: [email protected]

South Africa  South Africa

South Africa Consulate in Prague, Czech Republic

65 Ruska Street, Vrsovice

PO Box 133

Prague - 10000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 2 67311114 / (+420) 2 67312572

Fax: (+420) 2 67311395

Email: [email protected]


South Korea  South Korea

Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Prague, Czech Republic

Bubenec, Slavickova 5

Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 2 3409 0411

Fax: (+420) 2 3409 0450

Email: [email protected]

Spain  Spain

Spanish Embassy in Prague, Czech Republic

Badeniho, 4

Prague - 17000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420 ) 224 311 222, (+420) 233 097 211

Fax: 233 341 770/233 340 813

Email: [email protected]


Sri Lanka  Sri Lanka

Honorary Consulate of Sri Lanka in Prague, Czech Republic

Malostransk? n?m. 2

Prague - 11800

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 602 211 411

Fax: (+420) 602 271 600

Email: [email protected]

Sudan  Sudan

Embassy of sudan in Prague, Czech Republic

Malostranske Nabrezi no. 1

Prague - 11000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 2 536 547

Sweden  Sweden

Embassy of Sweden in Prague, Czech Republic

Uvoz 13,

P.O. Box 35,

Prague - 16012

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 220 313 200

Fax: (+420) 220 313 240

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 12 noon Visa (applications and processing): Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 12 noon

Switzerland  Switzerland

Embassy of Switzerland in Prague, Czech Republic

Pevnostn 7


Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) (22) 0400611

Fax: (+420) (22) 4311312

Email: [email protected]

Syria  Syria

Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic in Prague, Czech Republic

Pod Kastany 16

Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 224310952, 224311171

Fax: (+420) 224317911

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours: Office Hours 09.00 - 15.00 Entrance: Heineho 10

Taiwan  Taiwan

Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Prague, Czech Republic

Evropska 33C

Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420)2 23332 0606

Fax: (+420)2 3332 6906

Email: [email protected]

Thailand  Thailand

Embassy of Thailand in Prague, Czech Republic

Royal Thai Embassy

Romaina Rollanda 3/481, Bubence

Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) (2) 2057 1435, 2057 0055

Fax: (+420) (2) 2057 0049

Email: [email protected]

Tunisia  Tunisia

Embassy of Tunisia in Prague, Czech Republic

Nad Kostelem 8


Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 24 4460652 / (+420) 24 4460653

Fax: (+420) 24 4460825

Ukraine  Ukraine

Embassy of Ukraine in Prague, Czech Republic

Charlese de Gaulla 29


Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 23 3342000/(+420) 23 3321319

Fax: (+420) 23 3344366

Email: [email protected], [email protected]


Ukraine  Ukraine

Consulate of Ukraine in Brno, Czech Republic

Nerudova St. 7


Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 54 1216973

Fax: (+420) 54 1216972

Email: [email protected]


United Kingdom  United Kingdom

British Embassy in Prague, Czech Republic

Chancery, Consular/Visa, Commercial,

Political, Defence Section, Thunovska 14

Prague - 11800

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 257 402 111/ (420) 257 402 370

Fax: (+420) 257 402 280

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 08:30-17:00 Visa and Consular Section: Mon-Thur: 09:00-12:00 and 14:00 - 16:30 Fri: 09:00 - 12:00

United States  United States

Embassy of the United States in Prague, Czech Republic

Trziste 15,

Prague - 11801

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) (2) 5753 0663

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours: 7:00 to 19:00 Monday through Friday

Uruguay  Uruguay

Embassy of Uruguay in Prague, Czech Republic

Mmalatova 12,

Prague - 15000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 257317753 / 18728

Fax: (+420) 243 13 780

Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: 8:00 at 16:00 hours

Venezuela  Venezuela

Embassy of Venezuela in Prague, Czech Republic

Snemovn? 9

Prague - 11000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) (257) 534 256 / 534 253 / 535 782

Fax: (+420) 257 534 257

Email: [email protected]

Vietnam  Vietnam

Embassy of Vietnam in Prague, Czech Republic

Plzenska 214,

Prague - 15000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) (2) 57211540

Fax: (+420) (2) 57211792


Vietnam  Vietnam

Consulate of Vietnam in Prague, Czech Republic

Rasinovo nabrezi 72

Prague - 12000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 257 211 540

Fax: (+420) 257 211 792


Yemen  Yemen

Embassy of Yemen in Prague, Czech Republic

Pod Hradbami 5

Prague - 16000

Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 233331568 / 233331598

Fax: (+420) 233332204