
History of Villanueva

nal needs of migrants, who arrived at different points of the current municipal area, but schools were not for them, or their children. Since schools in Aguaclara, Upía Canyon, San Luis de Sabanalarga or Gaceno villages were schools but with very difficult access, because of the distances and the bad state of the roads. The need led them to organize, so that under the leadership of Mr. Antonio Forero prepare and sign a memorial, in order to give legal status to the village and school that were in process creation.

Therefore, Ordinance No. 21 November 15 of 1962, issued by the Department of Boyacá Assembly created the Inspection Villanueva, jurisdiction of San Luis de Gaceno. In 1963 the first house was built, which causes the spot according to the design by the members of the Community Action Board, the foundations of the city from the same framework of the current main park Villanueva.