
About Versalles

Union . Its altitude is 1,860 meters above sea level and has an average temperature of 18 ° C. According to the last census conducted by DANE , the population is about 8,500 inhabitants.

Called "Crib and Colombia paradise" for the particular urban distribution resembles a manger , with the church and main square at the top, and the rest of blocks descend downhill.

Versailles Township was founded by settlers paisas , Efrain Hoyos and Maria Elvira Diaz, pimero with the name of Florida and later was given the name of Versailles, May 18, 1894. Versailles is located on a slope of the western mountains, where there are few valleys or plains and its topography is typically broken and mountainous. It is a vocation Township Agricultural, and particularly one of the few where the density of the urban population exceeds rural
